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This project is all about legends and mythology. We're looking at Irish mythology, and, in particular, the ancient tale of Fionn Mac Cumhaill and the Salmon of Knowledge. Why not check out the folklore and mythology of your ancestors to find out what stories are hidden?

  1. Crayola Model Magic
    Crayola Model Magic
    As low as £35.49
  2. Natural Cotton String
    Natural Cotton String
    As low as £1.89
  3. Large Glitter Tubs - 250g
    Large Glitter Tubs
    As low as £5.49
  4. Coloured Cellophane
    Coloured Cellophane Rolls
    As low as £1.89

Using air drying clay or Model Magic, make a model of the fisherman Finegas sitting at the side of the river trying to catch the legendary salmon.

Then make a fishing rod for Finegas. You can use a simple twig from the garden or a length of wooden dowelling. Simply tie some string around the top and attach the handle to your model by moulding Finegas’ hands around the twig or stick.

You’ll need to make a clay salmon for Finegas to catch. Using your clay, mould a fish shape which will fit into your jam jar. When the clay on both of your models is dry, decorate using readymixed or acrylic paint, and make your salmon extra special by adding gold glitter.

Now you’ll need a jam jar to create your fishy river scene. For the river, we’ve used some blue film, scrunched it up and pushed it into the bottom of the jar. You could also use some ordinary blue paper, or just paint some white paper with blue paint. Paint the lid of your jar green to represent the banks of the River Boyne.

Finally add your own Salmon of Knowledge to the river in the jam jar and put on the lid. Glue Finegas to the top of the jam jar so he’s poised and ready to fish!


Get the class involved with this great legend and ask them to bring in a jam jar each so they can create their own Salmon of Knowledge scene!

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