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Placing an order is simple. Just follow the four steps below. 

Step 1

Browse our extensive catalogue of over 28,000 Art, Textiles, Design and Technology resources. When you have decided what to order, add your products to your basket and then proceed to checkout.

We do not require payment upfront, but we do have a minimum order value of £100 GBP. Simply add your Purchase Order number when prompted to complete your order. 




Step 4

Once your order and shipping are confirmed, we can take immediate payment by credit/debit card, or alternatively arrange to invoice you for purchase order accounts.

Your order will then be despatched. 

Step 2

When your order is placed, one of our sales team will contact you to discuss your requirements. If you couldn't find a particular product or need some advice this is a great opportunity to ask our highly knowledgable staff. 

Where appropriate, we can advise you of better, cheaper products as well as giving you any information you need about your order. 




Step 3

We will find the most suitable shipping rate and contact you to discuss the options available in terms of cost and delivery times. 

Unlike most web-based orders, we treat each individual order like a quotation. This quotation is then passed on to one of our sales representitives who will then contact you. 

We do this to ensure you get the right products at the best possible price and to make sure there are no additional, unexpected costs such as tax and international shipping charges. 

It is only when we have fully established exactly what you want and agreed a price that we will then discuss payment terms and ship the product to you. 

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